Saturday, August 21, 2010

Citations and Bibliographies

Are you getting messy with the reference section of your synopsis, thesis or scientific paper for publication?

Here is the simple way to manage it.

Word provides you with a pretty extensive list so it should cover almost all needs. Once the style is chosen, all we need to do is click at the end of the sentence in the document where we want to add a citation. Once we have selected where want our information to go, all we have to do is click the "Insert Citation" drop down. In this case, we will want to add a new source.

To insert reference from a journal article, click on add a new citation, add type the relevant data.

To insert reference from a webpage, the following pop up will appear

Finally to change the way of indexing the references, if you click on the style- several in built styles are given.

To add the MUCH NEEDED VANCOUVER METHOD one has to go for an add-on available from BibWord.
(click on it to download the code)

A code will get downloaded, after unzipping the contents, one has to paste the contents in the following folder.

c:\program files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Bibliography\Style
Once the styles are copied to the directory, they will show up every time Microsoft Word is opened. 
Happy referencing!

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